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Do you Own Real Estate in States Other Than New Hampshire? Beware Probate costs!!
Most people do not realize that their estate might have to be probated more than once: once in New Hampshire because they are New Hampshire residents and once again in Massachusetts, Florida, Arizona or wherever they may own real estate. Some of those states can have...
Nursing Home Involuntary Discharge
Nursing homes seem to be attempting to discharge their "more challenging" residents at an increasing pace. Reimbursements rates are static, Medicaid is very slow paying, and labor costs are rising- if the facility can find staff. As a result some nursing homes will...
Nursing Home Costs and Protecting the At-Home Spouse
As a senior, there is a good chance that you, or your spouse if you are married, will need long-term care at some point. The Nursing Home Costs of that care will not be cheap. In fact, if you failed to plan ahead, your long-term care (LTC) costs could deplete your...
Your Company Record Book- What is it and What Should be in It?
When a new company is formed, attorneys tell them to “Put that in your company record book,” or “Make sure you keep a copy of that in your record book.” It’s as if this record book is the most vital part of a young company (arguably it is)…but just what is a record...
Should You Prepare a Medicaid Application Yourself?
Should you prepare a Medicaid nursing home application yourself or hire an attorney? For some people, it might not make a difference but for others, attempting to file the application without legal help can prove to be financially disastrous. Even worse is letting the...
IRA Beneficiary Trusts
A properly drafted standard revocable trust can be the beneficiary of an IRA- the key words being"properly drafted". Using a trust as the beneficiary can be very helpful if the Grantor is concerned about asset protection for his or her beneficiaries. The US Supreme...
Do It Yourself – LLC Formations
Recently someone posted on a local Facebook site looking for recommendations for an attorney to form a limited liability company for the poster. The initial LLC Formations post got a few recommendations for good local business attorneys. But the post also received...
The Family Vacation Home in Estate Planning
As the season for enjoying our lake or beach property is winding down, the issue of dealing with those properties in an estate plan may arise. The family vacation home is sometimes a very tough estate planning challenge. This is especially true when the beach or lake...
Saving for College or How to Use a Section 529 Plan in Estate Planning
A Section 529 Plan (named for the Internal Revenue Code establishing these accounts) may be a great way to not only help your children or grandchildren with their education but also could be a great estate planning tool. With a 529 plan, you initially fund it with a...
Make this Estate Planning Move Right Now: Check your Beneficiary Designations
Market Watch recently had an interesting article listing six ""Horror Stories" about beneficiary designations. Often overlooked in estate planning, beneficiary designations can be an extremely important planning tool- or a "Horror Story." The article can be...