Medicaid is a government program that, among other things, provides health care coverage to …
Medicaid Planning
Title XIX of the Social Security Act was enacted in 1965 and is a joint federal and state program whose purpose is to pay for the medical care of American citizens and permanent residents who are poor and who are aged, blind or disabled, or members of families with...
Nursing Homes in New Hampshire. Do you have a plan?
Nursing homes in New Hampshire seem to have undergone a fairly major transformation. New Hampshire once had some of the best nursing homes in the country. New Hampshire nursing homes led the country in the movement to remove physical restraints and to promote the...
Nursing Home Involuntary Discharge
Nursing homes seem to be attempting to discharge their "more challenging" residents at an increasing pace. Reimbursements rates are static, Medicaid is very slow paying, and labor costs are rising- if the facility can find staff. As a result some nursing homes will...
Nursing Home Costs and Protecting the At-Home Spouse
As a senior, there is a good chance that you, or your spouse if you are married, will need long-term care at some point. The Nursing Home Costs of that care will not be cheap. In fact, if you failed to plan ahead, your long-term care (LTC) costs could deplete your...
Should You Prepare a Medicaid Application Yourself?
Should you prepare a Medicaid nursing home application yourself or hire an attorney? For some people, it might not make a difference but for others, attempting to file the application without legal help can prove to be financially disastrous. Even worse is letting the...
Medicaid Estate Recovery- Problems Of Expanded Medicaid
With Medicaid Estate Recovery, Expanded Medicaid Could Cost Some People their Inheritance As many of you know, the State of New Hampshire is allowed by federal law to file liens against property and to recover from the estates of Medicaid recipients who have died....
Protection for Nursing Homes or a Danger to Relatives???
Protection for Nursing Homes? NH State Bill SB138_FN Last year, the New Hampshire legislature passed a bill known as SB 138_FN. This bill was effective July 2, 2013. This bill gives protection for nursing homes by allowing them and certain assisted living facilities...