Advantages and Disadvantages of a Power of Attorney

by | May 14, 2024 | Estate Planning, Power of Attorney | 0 comments

A Power of Attorney (POA) stands out as a pivotal legal instrument, offering a practical solution for individuals seeking to delegate certain responsibilities. This document grants a chosen agent the authority to act on behalf of the principal, ensuring the continuity of financial and health-related decisions even in the principal’s absence or incapacitation.

However, like any legal tool, a POA comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. It’s essential to weigh these carefully before proceeding.


At Sowerby & Moustakis Law, PLLC, we focus on providing comprehensive estate planning services tailored to the unique needs of Massachusetts and New Hampshire residents.

With a deep understanding of the intricacies of estate law, our firm stands ready to guide you through the complexities of Powers of Attorney. Whether you’re considering establishing a POA for the first time or revisiting an existing arrangement, our goal is to equip you with the knowledge needed to make informed decisions.

Advantages of a Power of Attorney

Part of a comprehensive estate plan — something 67% of Americans don’t have —, a POA can be an effective tool for different situations. This tool offers several advantages.

  • Flexibility in Decision-Making: One of the primary advantages of a POA is its flexibility. The principal — the person creating the POA — can tailor the POA according to their specific requirements, choosing when it becomes effective and what powers to grant the agent. This customization ensures that the principal’s financial and health-related affairs are managed according to their wishes, even in their absence or incapacitation.
  • Continuity of Affairs: A significant concern for many is the management of their affairs should they become unable to do so themselves. A POA addresses this concern by ensuring continuity. It allows the chosen agent to step in seamlessly to manage finances, make healthcare decisions, or conduct business transactions, ‌avoiding the potential for disruption or delay.
  • Avoidance of Court-Appointed Guardianships: In the absence of a POA, a court may need to appoint a guardian or conservator to manage an individual’s affairs if they become incapacitated. This process can be time-consuming, costly, and stressful for family members. By establishing a POA, you proactively nominate your trusted agent, avoiding the need for court intervention.
  • Ease of Execution: Contrary to what some might think, creating a POA is a straightforward process. With the guidance of experienced legal professionals like those at Sowerby & Moustakis Law, PLLC, drafting a POA can be accomplished efficiently, providing peace of mind with minimal hassle.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Establishing a POA is a cost-effective measure. It helps to mitigate the expenses associated with court-appointed guardianships and the potential financial mismanagement that can occur without a designated agent. This makes it an accessible option for a wide range of people, regardless of their financial situation.
  • Protection Against Abuse: A well-drafted POA includes safeguards against misuse and abuse. By selecting a trusted individual as an agent and clearly defining the POA’s scope, principals can protect themselves and ensure their best interests are always at the forefront.

Disadvantages of a Power of Attorney

While a Power of Attorney is a vital component of estate planning, offering numerous benefits for managing one’s affairs, it is important to approach this legal tool with a complete understanding of both its strengths and weaknesses.

 Recognizing the disadvantages is crucial for anyone in New England considering a POA as part of their estate plan.

  • Potential for Misuse: The most significant risk associated with a POA is the potential for misuse by the appointed agent. Despite the legal obligation for the agent to act in the principal’s best interest, sometimes the power granted was exploited. Choosing a trusted individual as your agent is paramount to mitigate this risk.
  • Lack of Oversight: A POA grants considerable control to the agent without requiring oversight or approval from third parties. This autonomy can lead to decisions that might not fully align with the principal’s expectations or intentions.
  • Complexity in Execution: Although establishing a POA can be straightforward, the specific terms and conditions that tailor the POA to the principal’s needs can introduce complexity. Misunderstandings or lack of clarity in the document can lead to execution challenges, impacting its effectiveness.
  • Revocation Difficulties: Revoking a POA, especially when the principal becomes incapacitated, can present challenges. While revocations are entirely within the principal’s rights, ensuring that all relevant parties are aware of the revocation requires diligent communication.
  • Recognition by Third Parties: There are instances where banks or other institutions hesitate to honor a POA because of internal policies or concerns about the document’s validity. This can lead to delays or additional steps to prove authority, complicating the management of the principal’s affairs.
  • Durability Limitations: Not all POAs are created equal. A standard POA may become invalid if the principal becomes incapacitated unless it is specifically designed as a durable POA. Understanding the distinction and ensuring the POA meets your needs is essential for effective estate planning.

Secure Your Future with Sowerby & Moustakis Law

The flexibility, continuity, and protection a POA provides must be weighed against potential misuse, complexity, and limitations in recognition. When contemplating a POA as part of your estate plan, the importance of partnering with a seasoned estate planning attorney is crucial.

At Sowerby & Moustakis Law, we are dedicated to guiding Massachusetts and New Hampshire residents through the intricacies of estate planning, ensuring your decisions are informed, your interests protected, and your future secured. Reach out right now to speak to one of our attorneys by calling 603-554-9220.

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